12 Natural Home Remedies To Relief Constipation Quickly

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There is no doubt about it: When you gotta go, you gotta go. But what happens when you can’t?

Most of us learn very young not to talk about our bowel movements. We have no problem walking into the office and saying how we have a cold, a sore throat, or almost any other kind of health problem, but we certainly don’t talk about how we haven’t been able to poop for days!


Symptoms Of Constipation

Although everyone has a different “poop schedule”, most doctors agree that if you are experiencing two or fewer bowel movements each week, you are suffering from constipation. Common symptoms of constipation include:

  • A feeling of being “backed up”
  • A lack of interest in eating
  • Straining to go but with little or no results
  • Very hard stools, sometimes causing rectal bleeding
  • Very tiny stools (usually hard, marble sized pellets)
  • Feeling as if you did not completely empty your bowels
  • An inability to pass stools without using manual pressure (such as your fingers)


What Causes Constipation?

Most times, constipation is simply a lack of fiber in the diet. Foods that cause constipation include chocolate, dairy, fried and processed foods, and drinks high in sugar.

However, there are other causes, including irritable bowel syndrome, lack of exercise, overuse of laxatives, pregnancy, travel, aging, and some types of medications or supplements.

In some instances, constipation is caused by another health condition such as hypercalcemia, hypothyroidism, or diabetes. If you are suffering from any type of health problem, and you experience constipation regularly, speak with your doctor.

In rare instances, constipation is caused by something more serious such as Parkinson’s disease, a spinal cord injury, colon cancer, or rectal prolapse. If you have tried everything, including the natural remedies listed here, and you still experience constipation on a regular basis, please consult your doctor.

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Over-The-Counter Laxatives

Constipation can, literally, be a real pain. Cramps, bloating, nausea, and even vomiting, are all signs of constipation. Most people turn to over-the-counter laxatives for relief, but these are often very harsh on the body and not necessary. These kinds of laxatives stimulate the colon to move things along. This doesn’t solve the underlying problem. Commercial laxatives have numerous side effects, including:

  • Blocking the body’s ability to absorb nutrients
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Interfering with certain prescription medications
  • Increased constipation if not taken correctly
  • Rectal irritation
  • Addiction (being unable to have a bowel movement without a stimulant)
  • Increased thirst
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Abnormal heart rhythms

The truth is there is really no need to resort to these chemical methods that can become addictive. There are numerous ways to find relief naturally — many times using items you have in your home right now.

Want to know more? Keep reading and discover 12 natural home remedies to relief constipation quickly:


1. Lemon Juice And Water

Lemon has tons of health benefits, and you might have already heard about many of them. You can use the lemon internally as one of the home remedies for stuffy nose or as a supportive food to help your body fight cancer. Or you may apply this fruit externally for terrific benefits when it comes to improving nails, skin, and hair. Yet, the chances are high, that one of the benefits that wasn’t mentioned was relief from constipation. Lemons contain high levels of citric acid, which is a natural stimulant for the digestive system. Not only does lemon juice and water encourage your body to move things along, it also helps to flush out undigested material and toxins from within the large intestine.

To use this method: Simply squeeze the juice from one organic lemon into one cup (eight ounces) of warm water. Drink this each morning for quick relief and to prevent future bouts of constipation.

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2. Evacuate With Epsom Salt

This is perhaps one of the oldest remedies for relief from constipation. Epsom salt is not actually salt at all, but magnesium sulfate flakes. Epsom salt packs a powerful one-two punch when it comes constipation relief. First, this Epsom salt draws water to itself, making your stools softer and easier to pass. The magnesium naturally stimulates the bowel muscles, making everything move along easily and painlessly.

To use this method: Add two teaspoons of Epsom salt to one glass (eight ounces) of water or juice, and drink it down immediately. You should see results within about four hours. If you don’t find relief within that time frame, you can take one more dose. Do not take more than four teaspoons in a 24-hour period. This method also works for children, but use only half a teaspoon of Epsom salt for children 10 and under.

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3.  Do It With Dandelions

If you think dandelions are just weeds you have to pull for a beautiful lawn, think again! Not only are dandelions a very effective detoxifier, they also have a gentle but effective laxative effect. Try this if you suffer from constipation due to age, or if you haven’t been able to exercise due to an illness or injury.

To use this method: Boil one and a half cups of pure water. Add one to two teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves. You can dry (organic) leaves from your own dandelion plants, or you can buy dried leaves in most health food stores. Cover and allow to steep for five to seven minutes. Drink two or more cups each day.

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4. Lube It With A Little Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is much more than just a tasty dip and healthy source of fat. It can also help relieve constipation quickly. Consuming some olive oil on a regular basis can also prevent future problems. When you think of olive oil going through your entire digestive tract, soothing things as it travels along, you can almost picture how this natural substance works!

To use this method: First thing in the morning, before you eat, swallow one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. If you forget, wait at least two hours after you eat. If the thick texture makes it a bit hard for you to swallow, add a squeeze of lemon juice. Lemon juice is also a natural laxative, so this might be the perfect combination to help kick start your colon.

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5. Move Yourself To Keep It Moving

If you want to keep your bowel movements moving, you need to move your entire body. Our modern lifestyle tends to increase constipation. We sit on the bus or subway or drive to work; we sit behind a desk most of the day; we drive home; we sit and watch TV, go to bed, repeat. When we get exercise, the body naturally stays supple and flexible, muscles expand and contract, and we stretch and move our internal organs as well as our limbs. When you think about it, it only makes sense that moving our bodies will make our bowels move as well.

To use this method: You don’t have to run a marathon for this to work. You don’t even have to hit the gym. Mild to moderate exercise, such as walking, dancing, or bike riding for 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week, should be enough to keep your bowels moving and prevent any further episodes of constipation.

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6. Make Fiber Your New Best Friend

A lack of fiber is perhaps the No. 1 cause of constipation. Eating a natural, healthy diet will both relieve and prevent constipation. Natural foods from Mother Nature have buckets of fiber that will put an end to your straining saga. Think of fiber as a giant bucket and broom. It draws water to the “bucket” to help keep things soft, then the roughage acts like a broom, sweeping everything out of the colon.

To use this method: Eat more natural foods that are great sources of fiber, including:

  • Apricots
  • Beans
  • Potatoes (not French fries, however!)
  • Whole grain bread
  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Apples, pears, plums
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Peas
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Chia seeds
  • Carrots
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7. Aloe – It’s Not Just For Burns

Chances are good that you have an aloe vera plant in a pot in your kitchen or outside in the garden to help heal minor burns and cuts, but did you know that this succulent is also excellent for digestive problems like constipation? This works best when you use gel directly from the leaf of a plant and not the mixtures they sell in most stores. This gel is very concentrated and can take care of business in hours! So go out to your little aloe vera plant, and cut off a nice big leaf!

To use this method: Squeeze out the gel from your aloe vera leaf until you have two tablespoons. Mix the gel in one glass (eight ounces) of water or fruit juice. This is very concentrated, so only drink one glass (two tablespoons) of aloe vera gel each day.

Close-up Of Baking Soda In A Glass Jar.

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8.  Blow It Out With Baking Soda

Simple baking soda is another old fashioned remedy that works about 95 percent of the time. The bicarbonate in baking soda causes air to find its way out of the body (one way or another), so it can help to relieve pressure and bloating, while helping lower acid levels and move things along.

To use this method: Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a quarter cup of warm water. Drink it straight down. For some reason, this seems to work better than taking sips over a period of time.

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9. Grandma’s Favorite: Prunes

You might have seen your grandparents eating a few prunes in the morning or perhaps they gave you a couple of prunes when you had a tummy ache. This is an old fashioned remedy that really works because dried fruit contains high amounts of fiber and a compound called sorbitol. Sorbitol will soften your stools because it draws water to itself. Be careful with this one because eating too many will cause gas and diarrhea!

To use this method: Eat two or three prunes in the morning and again at night to relieve constipation. If you prefer, you can drink one eight-ounce glass of juice in the morning and another in the evening for relief within hours.

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10. Get Your Flax On!

Another great oil for the relief of constipation is flax seed. Like olive oil, flax seed oil coats the entire digestive system, as well as the stool itself, making it easier to pass. Flax seed oil has the advantage of having very little flavor. You can mix it with some lemon juice and water or fresh squeezed orange juice with the pulp (which is a good source of fiber as well!), and you might not even be aware of the flavor.

To use this method: Mix one tablespoon of flax seed oil into the juice of your choice. This will take four to six hours to work, but it will if you give it time. Try drinking it before bedtime for instant relief in the morning.

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11. Sesame Seeds To The Rescue

Sesame seeds are a favorite home remedy among the Chinese and Amish. Sesame seeds have an oily texture to them that helps to moisten dry, hard stools. These tiny seeds are also a great way to add fiber to your diet. However, don’t rely on just those few seeds from a hamburger bun!

To use this method: Buy fresh sesame seeds at your local health food or natural store. Grind them in your coffee bean grinder or spice grinder. Add one or two teaspoons to your meals throughout the day, or mix a teaspoon of ground seeds in some juice of your choice.

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12.  Tea Time

Both ginger and mint teas are time-tested remedies for relief from constipation. The compound that makes peppermint tea so refreshing is menthol. Menthol relaxes the muscles of the entire digestive tract, calming the colon so that it things can move without interruption.

Ginger tea has a warming effect on the body. This heat can improve a slow or sluggish colon. Also, the hot water used to make tea can help relive constipation by adding more heat and stimulating the digestive juices that tell the body to put the constipation train in motion!

To use this method: Drink two or more cups of the tea of your choice each day. Most people find that one cup with each meal works well for both the relief from constipation, as well as to prevent further episodes. Always choose organic tea from a reputable source, and avoid cheap teas from China. These can contain unwanted pesticides and other chemicals.


READ ALSO: Top 5 Foods That Can Cause Constipation


Extra Tips:

  • Always drink eight or more glasses of water each day.
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks or too many cups of coffee, which can dehydrate you.
  • Establish a daily routine for bowel movements, such as right after breakfast or just before dinner.
  • Don’t rush your body — give yourself at least 10 minutes.
  • Try adding a six-inch step stool in the bathroom. Place it next to the toilet and put your feet up on it so that you are in more of a natural, squatting position.
  • Remember that “normal” is relative. For some, three times a day is normal; for others, four times a week is normal.
  • Talk to your doctor before you consider an enema.


See your doctor if any of the following occurs:

  • You have uncontrolled leakage of stools.
  • If your constipation becomes more frequent or more severe
  • You are still constipated after seven days of home treatments.
  • You have increased rectal pain.
  • You have increased blood in the stool or if blood suddenly develops in your stool.




