Ovarian Cysts And Ovarian Cancer – The Warnings Signs You Should Never Ignore

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

What if it’s Not A Cyst?

Unfortunately, it could be ovarian cancer. About one in every 100 women under the age of 75 develops ovarian cancer in their lifetime. The good news is with early diagnosis, the cure rate is 90 percent! The bad news is that most cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed too late and the cancer has spread to a much more advanced stage, making it difficult to treat.


What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer?

Researchers from the University of Minnesota reviewed the medical records of 107 women who had ovarian cancer and published their findings in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The most common symptoms they found were:

  • Cramps and/or abdominal pain for more than 2 weeks
  • Incontinence that grew worse over a two or three week period
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation and diarrhea
  • Regular, severe heartburn
  • Bloating
  • Nausea, vomiting

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