Red Foods – The Top 10 New Powerhouse Foods

Ok, so we all know the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but is it also true that strawberries, beets, raspberries, watermelon, tomatoes, and cherries could do the same thing?

Absolutely! Red colored fruits and veggies all bring a wide variety of healthy benefits to your table. Many of these red colored produce items are loaded with super healthy antioxidants such as anthocyanins and lycopene, which fight prostate cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The more antioxidants in your food the better, as they simply soak up those damaging free radicals in the body.

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

Take a look at our top 10 red foods that are absolute power houses when it comes to nutrition.


1. Cranberries

Studies have shown that cranberries cause the death of cancer cells in lab studies. Everyone has heard the advice about drinking cranberry juice when you have a urinary tract infection, and that’s great advice because it’s true! This tart red colored juice stops bacteria from sticking to the walls of your urinary tract. It can also stop the bacteria that are responsible for ulcers and stomach cancer, H pylori. So instead of orange juice, how about trying cranberry juice for breakfast? Or add a handful into your smoothie or on top of your yogurt.


2. Cherries

It’s the skin of cherries where most of the fiber lies and these little gems are also high in potassium and vitamin C. Eating foods high in potassium can lead to lower blood pressure. If you can’t find fresh cherries where you live, dried cherries are a great addition to smoothies or cereal and many health food stores stock cherry juice.


3. Strawberries

Strawberries are high in folate, which helps your heart as well as decreases the possibility of birth defects in fetuses. There are also real powerhouses when it comes to the antioxidant vitamin C. Strawberries are a sweet treat anywhere so add them to your yogurt, cereal, or smoothies.


4. Tomatoes

These are the red food to eat to avoid prostate cancer as they are full of lycopene. These are also heart healthy as they are high in potassium as well as vitamin C.


5. Raspberries

Although a bit tart, raspberries are very high in fiber and can lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels so they are worth trying. Add them to things that are already sweet to help reduce their tartness such as ice cream, cereals, oatmeal, yogurt and smoothies.


6. Watermelon

These fruit is another great source of lycopene, which means it is heart healthy and can reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate cancer. It can also improve the way blood vessels function so it lowers your risk of stroke. Eat watermelons anytime, anywhere! They are super sweet and deliciously healthy. Read more about benefits of watermelon.


7. Pink Grapefruit

Although this is pink and not red, it still falls into the same category. Many people who find regular grapefruits too sour will find pink grapefruit a pleasant surprise. Pink grapefruit has very high levels of antioxidants that are found in vitamin C, and it’s a great source of pectin, which will lower cholesterol levels. Always choose pink grapefruit because it is rich in lycopene also, while regular grapefruit is not.


SEE ALSO: Black Super Foods: Black Is the New Green

8. Red Bell Peppers

These are outstanding sources of vitamin A, which will do great things for your bones, teeth, hair and skin. Many people don’t think of peppers as having tons of vitamin C but they do, often times more than an orange. Add peppers to salad, soups, and casseroles.


9. Beets

This is a root vegetable that is a rich source of lycopene, folate, and anthocyanins, which are very powerful antioxidants. Beets are great as a side dish, in salads, or soups. Find out beetroot benefits.


10. Red Grapes

A terrific snack that is full of vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, which will give you healthy looking hair and skin. Red grapes contain a powerful antioxidant called polyphenols, these help to lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and the chance of developing blood clots of heart disease. You can add these sweet fruits to yogurt, salads, and smoothies or eat them right off the vine.
