How To Save Real Money On Real Food

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10. Save the Bones

Never, ever, throw out carcass bones! Bones will make the best soups and broths you have ever tasted for next to nothing! Keep a bag in the freezer just for bones (separate by animal; chicken in one bag, beef in another, etc.) and use them to make soup. All you will need to add is some vegetables and you have a healthy, fantastic tasting meal!


11. Think of Meat as a Condiment

Instead of planning a meal around meat, think of it as something on the side. Try homemade pizza with leftover chicken pieces or noodles in pesto sauce with a few pieces of Italian sausage. This will certainly be a lot more inexpensive than serving roast beef or sausage with a bit of noodles on the side.


SEE ALSO: 5 Super Easy Ways to Eat Organic on a Budget

12. Buy in Bulk

Buying items that are on sale or clearance is a great way to save money. As long as these aren’t perishable items, buying as much as you can when the price is really low is a smart way to save money. Buying in bulk is yet another way to save some bucks.  Many of those bulk stores (such as Sam’s Club or Costco) really do offer savings because you buy in bulk. Save even more money by splitting the membership fees with a friend. If you find a great price on an item, but don’t want to buy enough to supply you for a year, split the cost with a friend. You can also save a bit more by carpooling and going grocery shopping with a friend.

Every little bit adds up. Imagine if you only saved 10 dollars per week by following some of the advice here. 10 dollars doesn’t sound like much in today’s world, but 10 dollars each and every week is 520 dollars in one year. In 5 years, that’s $2,600 bucks! That’s not chump change! And we are only talking 10 dollars; imagine if you saved 20 dollars, or even 50 dollars per week?

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