Tooth Decay Causes: Shocking, However True

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If you find yourself with dry mouth because of your medications, make sure you increase the amount of water you consume to around eight to ten glasses each day. Brush your teeth regularly and try using a moisturizing spray that’s especially created to combat dry mouth.

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    Symptoms of Tooth Decay.

    One of the bad things about tooth decay is that there may be no signs at all until it is too late, and the tooth is already too far beyond repair. A tooth that is going bad could become sensitive to cold, or it could become discolored. Once the destruction of the tooth approaches the nerve, it becomes painful. You may have a bad taste in your mouth from the decayed tooth, or your entire breath may be bad. Because the signs can be hidden it’s important for you to see your dentist for a regular checkup every year and a cleaning twice a year.


    Who is More at Risk for Having Tooth Decay?

    1. Older people, especially senior citizens.
    2. Cancer patients going through regular radiation treatments.
    3. Diabetics.
    4. People who smoke or chew tobacco.
    5. Anyone who eats a large amount of sugar or drinks a lot of soda.
    6. Those who abuse drugs and/or alcohol.
    7. People in the low-income bracket.
    8. Those requiring medication that reduces the amount of saliva in the mouth.


    How Can You Prevent Tooth Decay?

      1. Oil pulling. This is an oil using technique which is far above just ensuring healthier teeth for you. Here, at Naturalon, you can get to know the benefits of oil pulling and watch the video about how to oil pull for teeth whitening and health.
      2. Maintain good oral hygiene. A good oral hygiene program consists of brushing your teeth two times each day, every single day. You should have your teeth cleaned by your dental hygienist at least every six months with a deep cleaning as needed. You should have a regular oral exam by the dentist every year as well, and have a new set of X-rays taken at that time. Make sure you floss every day to get as much excess foods from between your teeth and remove as much plaque as you can.
      3. Talk to your dentist about dental sealants. This type of procedure can help protect the teeth from dangerous foods and liquids that cause decay.
      4. Cut down on sugar, sweets, and sodas. If you have a hard time giving up sweets, the least you can do is to brush after eating or drinking anything sweet.
      5. Ask your dentist about topical fluoride treatments. This is a controversial subject, so speak with your dentist about the pros and cons before you decide to get a topical treatment.

    Look after your teeth, remember about the tooth decay causes, and prevent cavities by oral hygiene and regular check-ups!



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