Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired? You Might be Dehydrated

Desert woman thirsty dehydrated in Death Valley. Dehydration,

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3. Premature Aging

Water hydrates the body’s tissues, keeping them plump and firm looking. It’s important to note that a lack of water is a much greater risk factor for older individuals and without the proper water balance in a body, you are much more susceptible to the types of chronic diseases that are associated with aging. Read about super anti-aging oil you have never heard about.


4. Spikes in Blood Pressure

When someone is dehydrated, the blood in the body thickens. This makes it much more difficult for the blood to flow to certain parts of the body. An increase in resistance means an increase in blood pressure, which is associated to stroke, heart attacks, and cardiovascular disease.


5. Kidney or Bladder Problems

Dehydration can allow bacteria and toxins to build up inside your kidneys and/or bladder, as they are not being flushed out with sufficient amounts of water. Imagine washing dishes with just a trickle of water, it’s very similar with your body. A lack of water can also cause damage to your kidneys, and this can actually stop them from working all together. It’s estimated that 80 percent of persons who have kidney stones are dehydrated. Avoid painful kidney stones by making certain your body gets all the water it needs.


6. Joint Pain

Our joints are very complex systems that take a real beating in an average day, especially joints that can bear the weight of more than 4 times our own body weight, like our knees and ankles. Water forms a type of pillow that relieves the tension in our joints and keeps them from feeling stiff and sore. If you think you might have arthritis, try drinking more water and see if this doesn’t solve your joint pain.


7. High Cholesterol Levels

Many times high cholesterol isn’t due to the foods you eat, but a lack of water. Your body raises your blood cholesterol levels in an attempt to stop your cells from losing water.

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