Stop Springtime Allergies Simply by Eating

Fresh Green Broccoli

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4. Broccoli

Is there anything this little green powerhouse can’t do? Broccoli contains quercetin, as well as sulforaphane, a very powerful anti-inflammatory. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology published a study in 2008 which showed that foods rich in sulforaphane, such as broccoli, stimulate an antioxidant response in the body. In fact, the test dose of broccoli that was used caused more than a doubling of the GSTP1 enzyme, which acts as an antioxidant. This is really important since inflammation of the respiratory system is responsible for asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and allergies.


5. Butterbur

The roots and leaves of this shrub contain petasines, which are compounds that block some of the reactions in the body which cause allergies. Although science backs up beliefs that this plant works to fight allergies, it is not recommended for those older than 65, under 10 years of age, or for those with allergies to ragweed. A British meta-analysis of 6 studies found that five of these 6 studies showed that butterbur helped stop allergies. The roots of this plant can contain high levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can cause liver damage.

Therefore, you should look for butterbur products that either contain only the leaves, or state that the pyrrolizidines have been removed. Both German and Swiss scientists have found that butterbur was as effective as a prescription antihistamine, cetirizine, after just two weeks. Butterbur has also been shown in studies to stop itching eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and stuffy noses in as little as 5 days.


6. Fatty Fish

Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, can help those suffering from seasonal allergies. The journal Thorax published a study in 2007 which showed that women who ate apples and fish during pregnancy had children with lowered risks for developing children who had allergies or asthma. The children of mothers who ate fish at least once a week were less likely to have eczema than children of mothers who never consumed fish.

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