The Amazing Medicinal Properties Of Coconut Oil

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4. Heals wounds 

Apply coconut oil directly to the affected area and you will see that the wound responds within days and is healed in half the time.


5. Boosts your brain 

Coconut oil contains an impressive amount of medium-chain triglycerides. When it was administered to people who had Alzheimer’s disease, there was a large increase in ketone bodies in just 90 minutes. This helped to show a proven improvement in patients who were suffering from cognitive dysfunction.


6. Boosts your brain 

Coconut oil contains an impressive amount of medium-chain triglycerides. When it was administered to people who had Alzheimer’s disease, there was a large increase in ketone bodies in just 90 minutes. This helped to show a proven improvement in patients who were suffering from cognitive dysfunction.


7. Hair growth 

When you apply coconut oil to your scalp, you will see renewed hair growth within a month or two.


8. Moisturizer 

Apply coconut oil to your face for smoother skin.

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