The Amazing Things You Never Imagined Turmeric Could Do For You!

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5. It can Prevent and Perhaps Treat Cancer

There are many different types of cancer but no matter where on the body they are located, they all share one thing in common; they are all the uncontrolled growth of mutated cells. Curcumin has been shown in studies to reduce the growth of new blood vessels in tumors, which forces them to grow more slowly. Multiple studies have proven that curcumin reduces the growth of cancerous cells in studies done with lab animals. There have also been studies which found that curcumin supplements can even help to stop cancer from ever starting, such as colorectal cancer. One study found that men who had lesions in the colon, who consumed 4 grams of a curcumin supplement each day for 30 days, had reduced the number of lesions by as much as 40 percent. Not reduced in size, but reduced in number! This could lead to, one day, using curcumin supplements as a means of treating cancer with no side effects.


6. Fights Depression

In one study that involved 60 subjects, one group was given Prozac for their depression, the other group took one gram of curcumin, and a third group was given both Prozac and curcumin. After six weeks, the group that consumed both Prozac and curcumin had the best results, with the group that consumed only curcumin coming in a close second. This was a small study, but it does show that curcumin can be an effective treatment for depression. Never stop taking your antidepressant medication without speaking to your doctor, but ask if taking curcumin supplements might be right for you.

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