The Fluoridation Debate Rages On

Small Girl in the kitchen with her mother drinking water

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Having said all that, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s case closed regarding the effectiveness and safety of fluoridation. Critics point out that while statistics may show improvement in levels of tooth decay after the implementation of fluoridation, tooth decay has also gone down in countries where fluoridation hasn’t been practiced, such as those in Europe. It raises the question: Are general improvements in dental hygiene more effective than altering people’s drinking water?

To add to the confusion, a recent report in Newsweek detailed the explosive findings concerning fluoridation by the Chochrane Collaboration, a highly regarded group of doctors who research the effectiveness of public health policies. Their comprehensive review of studies concerning fluoridation revealed that there was hardly any real evidence that fluoridation was effective in reducing the prevalence of cavities. The statistical significance was negligible—at best.

“Frankly, this is pretty shocking … This study does not support the use of fluoride in drinking water” claimed Thomas Zoeller, a University of Massachusetts-Amherst-based scientist who participated in the review. Based on this research, it would appear that the improvements in public health education regarding tooth brushing and sugar consumption have a greater affect than what’s added to tap water.

There are also arguments against fluoridation on ethical grounds. A strong case can be made that it constitutes medicating the public without their consent or knowledge. The response to this might be the safety limits regarding dosage (currently 0.7 milligrams per liter of water). But dosage doesn’t necessarily correlate with exposure. Some people will, simply due to the type of job they have or for other reasons, become exposed to more fluoride than others.

It’s a fact that at very high doses, fluoride is toxic, and can act as an endocrine disruptor. A meta-analysis of fluoridation studies by the National Institute of Health has found that areas with higher concentrations of fluoridation in the drinking water had higher levels of behavior disorders in children and lower IQs versus areas with less fluoride in the water.


READ ALSO: 8 True Facts About Fluoride Infographic


As more and more research is done and becomes public knowledge, the tide may begin to turn against fluoridation. Research the topic and educate yourself, and inform your representatives about your wishes regarding fluoride in your water. People put it into water, and people have the power to stop putting it there too.


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One Comment

  1. FJL

    Apr 20, 2017 at 1:57 pm

    There is no debate here about the toxic poison added by law to our water. Do your homework. Its as always the bought off corrupt and ignorant people in power making the decisions detriment to our health.