The Hidden Dangers of Baby Monitors

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

Your child’s brain is not fully developed until they reach about 20 years of age. Up until that time, the skull is thinner so it can continue to allow the growth and development of the brain. This means that a child’s brain is very sensitive to the effects of any type of EMF radiation.

The best thing you can do for your baby’s health is to dump that wireless monitor, and if possible, move the crib into the room next to the master bedroom. That’s how your grandma did it, and perhaps your own mother did as well.

If you must use a monitor, use a plug in version. These use the electrical wiring in the house so they can “talk” between the two units. The reason most parents prefer wireless models is because they don’t have to worry about the baby becoming tangled in the cord. This problem is easily solved by moving the monitor to the other side of the room and/or up high on a shelf, so that your baby cannot possibly reach it.

Also, analog models are better than digital models. Yes, they are “old fashioned” but they won’t risk the health of your baby. Read the label and check the bandwidth of the monitor you are considering using. Use non-pulsing, low bad (35 to 50 MHz) models. You can probably find these at a yard sale for a couple of bucks.

An interesting note here; Powerwatch reports that parents who have swapped their wireless baby monitor for the old style plug in models ( or the ones that chose not to use one at all)  say that their babies cry less, sleep better, and had less irritability overall.

So get that microwave radiation out of your baby’s life and protect their brain. Then everyone in the house can have a better night’s sleep with no worries. Find out also 7 reasons to turn off your Netflix and go to sleep.


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