The Most Common Tricky Names For Sugar That Is Hiding In Your Food

Stevia leaves with stevia powder and sugar cubes on a slate plat

Photo credit: bigstock

The following items are types of sugar that contain only glucose. Sometimes they are pure glucose, other times they are combined with other types of sugar other than fructose.

38. Dextrin

39. Barley malt

40. Corn syrup solid

41. Corn syrup

42. Brown rice syrup

43. Dextrose

44. Rice syrup

45. Maltose

46. Diastatic malt

47. Maltodextrin

48. Malt syrup

49. Ethyl maltol

50. Glucose

51. Lactose

52. Glucose solids

The following sugars are strictly fructose sweeteners.

53. Fructose

54. Crystalline fructose

Lastly, there are two types of sugar that contain neither fructose nor glucose. They are not as sweet and, therefore, aren’t as common, but you often find these combined with other types of sweeteners.

55. D-ribose

56. Galactose

The sugar found in natural foods such as vegetables, and dairy products are all natural. You don’t have to worry about these types of sugar, especially when eating the whole food. You will also get fiber, nutrients, and other things Mother Nature intended for you to consume.

However, it’s the unnatural types of sugar that you should look out for. The best way to do this is by eating a more natural, whole food type of diet and removing as many processed foods as you can.

If you do buy processed foods, be aware that some foods contain far more sugar than you ever imagined. The following are the worst offenders:

  • Fruit filled yogurts or yogurt drinks
  • Canned soup
  • Salad dressings
  • Tomato sauce, juice, or any type of canned tomato product
  • Bread
  • Granola bars
  • Cereals (even ones that use words like “natural” or “healthy”)
  • Dried fruit (this is natural sugar but it is highly concentrated so limit your consumption)
  • Juices of all kinds


READ ALSO: The Truth about Sugar Addiction and What Happens When You Quit


Other places where sugar hides is in condiments such as ketchup and soy sauce, as well as many types of canned vegetables. Always read labels carefully and opt to make it fresh (and organic!) as often as possible.


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