The Rise Of The Super STD: What Can You Do About It?

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Many people are unaware that there is an untreatable type of “super gonorrhea” that is threatening to become a full scale epidemic. This is due to the global overuse of antibiotics as well as an increase in casual sexual encounters that are encouraged by popular “hook-up” app.

Back in March of 2015, health officials in England found this new strain of gonorrhea and have gone on to confirm at least 16 cases of this highly antibiotic resistant strain, all of them involving heterosexuals. Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease after chlamydia. Although it used to be treated with ciprofloxacin, this antibiotic has not been recommended for use since 2005.

According to Public Health England, English researchers have found that in 2007 study, 42 percent of all gonorrhea prescriptions were for ciprofloxacin and still, in 2011, one out of every 5 doctors were still prescribing this antiquated antibiotic.

This new strain of gonorrhea is very resistant to the newer, first line antibiotic, azithromycin, and could become completely untreatable very soon. Gonorrhea is a very serious illness which shows no symptoms for many people until it has reached advanced stages. Gonorrhea causes pelvic inflammation and infertility in women and pregnant women can give birth to newborns who are blind.

New cases of antibiotic resistant bacteria have been proven to be a difficult challenge for health care providers around the world, not just in the U.K., and cases of sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise!

President Obama issued an executive order in 2015 on combating antibiotic resistant bacteria and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its current STD treatment guidelines in response. The CDC has stated that this new gonorrhea super strain is an urgent public health threat. The potential spread of this new super gonorrhea to reach beyond England’s borders is an almost certainty.

There are currently investigations into the cases of antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. Scientists now know that gonorrhea can mutate and develop a new resistance, and with very few new antibiotics being developed, we cannot afford to become complacent about this new threat.

The spread of this new super strain of gonorrhea could be made worse by apps such as Tinder, which openly encourage people to engage in casual, or even anonymous sex, by making it easy to find willing partners online. Another popular website, called Ashley Madison, encourages married people to “have an affair”. There are also apps for gay men to find partners called Grinder, as well as other social media platforms and apps that make it easy for even those in remote areas to find sexual partners.

Even in America, there have been reports of a significant rise in the cases of sexually transmitted diseases in recent years.

For example, CNN reports that between 2013 and 2014, cases of syphilis in Rhode Island alone grew by 79 percent! HIV infections were up by 33 percent and gonorrhea by 30 percent. Young adults are becoming infected with STD’s at a much faster rate than the rest of the population.

Rhode Island officials state that the recent increase in STD cases is following a national trend and that their state is not alone. High risk sexual behavior has become more common in recent years as people, especially young adults, use social media and apps to arrange anonymous or casual sexual encounters.

Of course, the best way you can avoid becoming a victim of an STD or this new strain of gonorrhea is to use the very old fashioned method of being monogamy.


READ ALSO: 10 Early Warning Signs Of HIV That You Must Know


However, for those who simply cannot deny their sexual urges to engage in high risk behavior with numerous partners, should wear condoms and/or insist that your partner does every single time.

