These Foods Have One Thing in Common: They Can Stop Strokes!

Spinach leaves in a wooden plate

Photo credit: bigstock

Strokes are the third leading cause of death in the US but so few people are aware of the warning signs or how you can prevent them. New research suggests that eating foods that are rich in potassium can reduce the risk of having a stroke.

In this study, researchers used more than 90,000 women from the ages of 50 through 79 and watched them over a period of 11 years. They noted how much potassium these women consumed from their natural foods and then noted if they experienced a stroke or if they had died from another cause during this time frame.

The women in this study showed that those who ate the most potassium were 12 percent less likely to suffer a stroke than women who consumed the least amount of potassium. This study also showed that they were 16 percent less likely to suffer from an ischemic stroke, which is the most common type of stroke, cause by a blood clot.

Also, women who consumed higher levels of potassium had a 10 percent lower risk of dying from any cause, compared to women with the lowest potassium intake, during the study period.

With more than 600,000 strokes occurring each year in the US, killing about 150,000 of them, this is important information that women cannot afford to ignore. Find out top 10 signs you are at risk of a stroke.

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