Think You Don’t Need Exercise? 7 Reasons To Rethink That Strategy!


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4.  It Will Be Too Late To Stop Arthritis Pain

With about 21 million Americans suffering from arthritis, it is not unlikely to consider that you might be afflicted with this disease. Arthritis pain can practically immobilize you! Worse still, once it starts, there is not that much you can do about it.

The most common risk factors for developing arthritis are:

  • Obesity – Being overweight puts much more stress on the joints, which wear out faster due to the extra stress
  • Age – As we grow older, the risk of arthritis grows with us
  • Gender – Although arthritis is more common in women than for men,  men also suffer from it
  • Work – Some jobs require regular heavy lifting or repetitive movements that cause injury or more wear and tear on the joints

The truth is, however, that arthritis can strike anyone at any time. The best way to avoid arthritis is to take preventative measures. Once the pain of arthritis strikes, it is difficult to get rid of it without extreme measures. Exercise is one of the best preventative measures around.

Exercise will strengthen the muscles, which support the joints. Of course, when we are young, we think of arthritis as an “old” person’s disease. Keep in mind that you are getting older every single day. Taking preventative measures, such as regular exercise and strength training, now will lower your risk of arthritis pain in the future.

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