This One Spice Can Save And Even Restore Vision (You Won’t Believe It!)

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Another study out of the University of Sydney used 25 subjects over a six month period. This trial was double blind and controlled study. One half of the group took saffron supplements for the first three months, then a placebo for the last three months. The other group took the reverse procedure. All patients experienced improvements in their vision while they were taking saffron supplements but they quickly lost all gains once they stopped consuming the saffron. Just like the study out of Italy, these subjects were also taking only 20 mgs of saffron daily.

Researchers in the Australian study stated that it is more than just the antioxidant power of saffron that helps vision, it also seems to affect the genes that regulate the fatty acid content of cell membranes. This would make eye cells tougher and much more resilient.

Saffron has a long history of being used to treat a wide variety of health problems such as depression, menopause symptoms, chronic diarrhea, menstrual pain, and neuralgia. Modern day studies show that saffron has anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, immune-modulating and antioxidant like compounds.

The only drawback here is that saffron can be quite expensive. However, you can find a saffron extract supplement which tends to be much cheaper.


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There are other ways to help improve and protect your vision. The Institute for Natural Healing says that eating three servings of mango each day (about 1.5 cups of mango) can reduce your chances of developing this terrible eye disease by more than half.

This makes sense as mangos contain tons of vitamin A, as well as being rich in two powerful antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants protect your eyes from the UV rays of the sun, which cause eye damage over time.

No matter how old you are, it is never too late to start looking after and protecting your precious gift of sight.


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