5 Tips For Boosting Your Productivity

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

3. Optimize Your Communications

Most people check their email constantly, frantically responding to messages as soon as they come in. Ditto for text messages, phone calls, skype calls, etc. The worst part is, they will drop what they are currently working on to respond to the message. When you do this, it throws off your focus and forces you to mentally recalibrate to the task at hand when you return to your work. (What did we just say about multitasking?)

Fortunately, this bad habit is relatively easy to fix. You’ll need to set up a new system for responding to communications in a way that allows you to stay on top of things but does not derail your focus.

1. Set up a schedule for checking you email in batches. Try checking email only at 9, 12, and 3pm, and see how this works for you.

2. Design a similar system for making and responding to phone calls. Eventually, you will train your colleagues and associates to understand that this is how you work, and they will respect it. (When they see how much more you’re getting done, they’ll probably respect you even more.)

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