Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods

Tomato Juice and Fresh Tomatoes with Basil on a Wooden Table
Photo credit: bigstock

10.  Tomatoes

Wow, who would have thought that those lovely little tomatoes in salad could fight cancer? It’s the carotenoids and lycopene that are found in tomatoes that do most of the dirty work when it comes to fighting cancer. Tomatoes are especially helpful in fighting against cancer of the pancreas and prostate. To get the most benefit, you need to consume seven to ten servings every week. That’s not as hard as it sounds. A few tomatoes in your salad, perhaps one in your green smoothie, some spaghetti and lasagna for dinner, and some fresh tomato juice in the afternoon and you’ve got yourself set up for the week.  For the best health, always make your own pasta sauce and juice fresh from organic tomatoes.

The regular consumption of tomatoes is consistently associated with a lower risk of heart disease as well as several types of cancer. Lycopene, which is also found in watermelons, is a strong antioxidant as well as a good anti-inflammatory. Both of these compounds are associated with lower risks of certain cancers.

A balanced diet that sits a bit on the alkaline side, along with as few toxins in the body as possible, makes your body a not so nice place for cancer to start or to live. Remember that sugar, processed foods, and refined foods, as well as smoked and highly salty foods, feed cancer. Raw, organic vegetables and fruit starve cancer. Commit to doing regular detox programs, eating a raw, healthy diet, and eat plenty of foods with anti-cancer compounds, like the ones listed above, and you can live a long, healthy life free from cancer.


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One Comment

  1. Kevin M. Estis

    Apr 13, 2016 at 12:23 am

    Turmeric has no side effects I hope so, but I saw an article this past week that it has oxylates in it which can lead to kidney stones. Any thoughts on that please?