Top 10 Foods Proven To Fight Inflammation From Arthritis

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6. Beans

Beans contain a specific type of omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid. It was proven by the University of Maryland Medical Center that adding this fatty acid to your diet on a regular basis would help to cut down on the stiffness in your joints and greatly alleviate the inflammation caused by arthritis. It was found that people who had arthritis had higher amounts of oxidation and were encouraged to switch to a diet that included foods that were rich in antioxidants, such as legumes and beans.


7. Nuts

Nuts are good to include in your diet for a variety of reasons. Some help to keep you from having heart problems, which many people with arthritis are more susceptible to, and others help ease the pain caused by inflammation. Here are some specific nuts and what their health benefits are: Walnuts – they help prevent the risk of a heart attack and lower blood pressure; Almonds – rich in vitamin E, almonds are also an excellent antioxidant and help lower cholesterol levels; Pistachios – helps with weight control which is a factor that many with arthritis have to deal with and help lower cholesterol; Flaxseed – found to be one of the best sources of ALA, an anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid that helps relieve inflammation.

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