Top 10 Foods that Actually Boost Your Brain Power!

walnut and a cracked walnut isolated on the white background

Photo credit: bigstock

If someone told you in advance that just by adding a few ingredients to your daily diet that you could sharpen your thinking and prevent many of the memory problems that seem to come with advancing age, would you change your diet? Of course you would! Well now you have that chance. This is a list of the top 10 items you can add to your diet that will give nourishment to those neurons, reduce inflammation, and keep those memory pathways open.


1. Walnuts

Walnuts are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have some sort of protective effect on the brain. There was a recent study, however, which shows that older people whose blood contained high levels of these fatty acids had larger brain volume.  Although many fish also contain omega 3, due to the mercury levels, you are advised to not eat great quantities of it.

Find out why not all omega-3 fats are equal.  It’s easy to add a handful of walnuts to your daily diet, however!

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