Top 10 Foods that Could Literally Save Your life

collard greens

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4. Collard greens

Of all the leafy greens you could eat, collard greens are probably the best at binding the bile acids in your stomach, which can lower cholesterol levels. It can also give your protection from certain types of cancer. Collard greens also have a special type of phytochemicals that support the body’s natural system of detoxification.

Collard greens are great at lowering cholesterol levels. In fact, in recent studies, steamed collard greens performed better than broccoli, cabbage, kale, and mustard greens at lowering cholesterol! Collard greens bind bile acids (which are made of cholesterol) and remove them from the body. Read more why they are considered one of the healthiest vegetables ever.

Although boiling collard greens is a common way to making “soul food”, unless you drink the broth they are boiled in, you will miss out on the nutrients you are looking for. Steaming collard greens is the best way to keep the nutrients in this food. You can also try kneading them a bit with some olive oil for a few minutes before steaming to help make them softer. 

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