Top 10 Ways to Relieve Indigestion Naturally

Aloe vera plant

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Indigestion or acid reflux can really put a damper on our lives. Most people reach for those over the counter antacid remedies, but they can be loaded with chemicals (not to mention the expense!) that you really don’t need. There are numerous all natural remedies that can stop heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux.

Of course, first, try to eliminate foods that trigger bouts of indigestion. Then, quell those symptoms with one of the following top 10 completely natural remedies.


1. Aloe Vera

This succulent plant has a wide variety of uses, and perhaps one of the best ones is how it calms the digestive system and counteracts acid. Aloe vera also fights inflammation, which is super beneficial for those suffering from acid reflux.

You can make a stomach calming aloe vera a drink by blending some of the gel, along with the clear part of the leaf, and about a half a glass of orange juice. This can be used to stop a bout of indigestion or to prevent one from occurring. Aloe vera gel and powdered aloe vera are also available in all health food stores if you don’t have access to a fresh plant.

Fresh Fennel

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2.  Fennel

The seeds from fennel are super helpful for relieving the indigestion that comes from eating fatty or overly spicy foods. It’s very common in many parts of the word to chew fennel plants after a hearty meal, to both relieve indigestion as well as freshen the breath. The oil from fennel seeds help to reduce nausea as well as control gas. Read more about fennel for weight loss.

Take about a half a teaspoon of ground fennel seeds with some water twice a day. You can also simply chew a teaspoon or so of fresh seeds, or make a tea by adding about two teaspoons of crushed seeds to one cup of hot water. Let seep for 10 or 15 minutes, then sieve and enjoy. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

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3. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an old home recipe your grandparents probably used that still works today. Sometimes the cause of indigestion is due to stomach acid that comes from eating too much sugar. Sugar forms acid in the body.

Drinking about 2 or 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar will reduce the acid level in your digestive system.

Yes, it seems strange that drinking something acidic when your stomach is full of acid, but apple cider vinegar is alkaline forming once it’s inside the body. Drinking apple cider vinegar before meals can not only prevent indigestion before it starts, it can help the body start the digestion process so your food will breakdown more easily and be better absorbed.

Close-up Of Baking Soda In A Glass Jar.

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4. Baking Soda

This is another old fashioned remedy that works well.

Taking some baking soda and water is a great way to counteract excess stomach acid. It just takes half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in about a half a glass of water to do the trick.

This mixture will neutralize stomach acid as well as give you some relief from bloating.

Fresh Ginger Root

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5. Ginger

This little root has so much to offer us, including relief from heartburn and indigestion.

Chew a piece of fresh, peeled, organic ginger, drink some ginger tea, or even sucking on some ginger lozenges will give you the relief you are seeking. Ginger stimulates your digestive system to produce more of the enzymes that are needed for better digestion. Sometimes, it’s food that is not properly broken down during the digestion process that gives us indigestion.

The extra enzymes we get from ginger are super beneficial for relieving indigestion and heartburn. 

bunch of fresh green coriander (cilantro) on a wooden table

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6.  Coriander

This is a terrific spice that is super effective at treating the symptoms of digestion.

Simply add some toasted coriander seeds to a half a glass of buttermilk and drink twice a day.

You can also make a mixture of ground cardamom seeds, a bit of cloves, ginger, and roasted coriander and make a paste that you can eat or add to your favorite dish to prevent indigestion.


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7. Lemon

Another interesting item that we think of as acidic that helps to reduce acid in the body. Lemons help to stop acid reflux much the same way apple cider vinegar does.

Lemon juice, when inside the body, is alkaline forming, so it neutralizes the acid in your stomach. Drink one tablespoon of freshly squeezed, organic lemon juice about 10 minutes before each meal to help stop acid reflux and indigestion before it starts.

If you are already suffering from a bout of indigestion, drink a tablespoon of juice to stop the problem. 

Sauerkraut With Carrot In Wooden Bowl, Garlic, Spices, Cabbage O

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8. Eat More Enzymes

You can prevent indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux by regularly eating plenty of enzyme rich foods, such as papaya, raw nuts, raw vegetables, organic pineapple, and ginger. Find out more benefits of pineapples.

Enzyme rich foods help breakdown foods naturally. 

spices cinnamon anise nutmeg rock sugar

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9.  Cinnamon

This spice also helps in the digestion process and can provide almost instant relief from indigestion, bloating, and cramps. Make a tea by adding about a half a teaspoon of cinnamon to one cup of boiling water and let sit for a few minutes. Drink it warm, but not hot.

Or you can make a pitcher of cinnamon tea by boiling about 8 or 10 cinnamon sticks in a pot of water (about 8 cups) for about 10 minutes.

Remove the sticks and you have cinnamon tea you can drink before or after every meal to help stop indigestion before it takes hold.

Get well card, chamomile tea and fresh lemon

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10.  Herbal Teas

Drinking herbal teas after eating can greatly reduce your chances of developing a case of indigestion. Drink your favorite herbal eat while it is still warm for best results. Peppermint tea is a favorite for many as is mint, blackberry, or raspberry. Chamomile tea can also help to calm your stomach, especially if you know you have overeaten.

Click here for more on acid reflux written by the author, Jeanette Padilla.


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