Top 12 Herbs Known to Relieve Anxiety

Fresh ginseng root

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7. Ginseng

Most people think of ginseng as something that gives energy and is not often thought of for the relief of anxiety. The ginsenosides in Panax ginseng are known for stimulating blood circulation in the brain, which often results in lowered stress levels and feelings of anxiety and depression. Several scientific research studies show that ginseng provides benefits for the relief of anxiety.

Ginseng is perhaps best known for its adaptogenic compounds that improve physical resistance in the body from wear and tear that are caused by physical and/or emotional stress. One study performed in 1982 asked nurses to switch from day shift to the night shift. Some of the nurses were given ginseng, while the others were not. This study showed that the nurses who were given ginseng were much more easily able to maintain their emotional balance. Those who did not take ginseng were much more moody. Although ginseng is another root that is well tolerated by almost everyone, there are a few exceptions. If you are taking any type of prescription medication, consult your doctor before consuming ginseng.

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