Top 12 Herbs to Improve Your Memory Power

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7. Rosemary

Rosemary, that sweet smelling herb that is often used in cooking, has also been used in traditional medicines that improve the memory. Rosemary has been shown in lab studies to have powerful antioxidant compounds that kill the free radicals that cause cell damage. In one study, using rosemary in aromatherapy was shown to reduce cortisol levels and anxiety. Combined with other essential oils, rosemary was shown to improve concentration and memory among nursing students.


8. Ginseng

This is another popular herb which lab studies have shown to be is effective in helping those with memory problems. One study used mice, which were given a ginseng extract. These mice showed huge improvements when it came to maze tasks. Ginseng was shown to activate neurotransmitter activity that promotes memory improvement.


9. Rhodiola Rosea

Although you might not have heard of this herb, it has a long history of use for various types of health problems. Rhodiola has been recognized by researchers and scientists as one of the best herbs for improving memory. This herb is sometimes called roseroot, golden root, or Aaron’s rod. Traditionally, rhodiola has been used to relieve depression and improve memory, as well as focus. This herb contains powerful adaptogenic compounds which stimulate the central nervous system, improving concentration abilities and concentration levels.

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