Top 12 Ways To Deal With Breast Pain (#10 Is Wicked Cool!)

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5. Evening Primrose Oil

This supplement is one of the best treatments when it comes to breast pain. Evening primrose oil contains GLA, a type of fatty acid that helps the body adjust to hormonal changes in the body. This will go a long way towards easing breast tenderness and pain. You can consume evening primrose oil in a supplement form, but speak with your doctor first about the right dosage for your situation. Alternately, you can apply evening primrose oil directly to the breasts and massage in well for three to five minutes every other night before bed.


6. Get Your Magnesium On

Magnesium is a vital mineral that can also help with breast pain issues. Magnesium will prevent fluid retention, which can help to reduce swelling and pain. You can eat more magnesium rich foods such as a dark chocolate, dark leafy greens, seeds, avocados, bananas, and nuts. Taking an Epsom salt bath four times a week about two weeks before your menstrual cycle is another great way to get your magnesium on. You can also take a magnesium supplement to avoid breast pain and other PMS symptoms. For the proper dosage for your unique condition, speak to your doctor.


7.  Chasteberry

Chasteberry is often recommended for those suffering from breast pain. It also works well for other types of PMS pain. Chasteberry works on the pituitary gland to inhibit the release of the hormone responsible for PMS symptoms such as painful breasts. Most women consume a dry chasteberry extract of 20 mg, two or three times each day. Chasteberry is also available as a liquid. The normal dose is 40 drops in a glass of water once each day. Of course, you should always consult with your doctor before consuming any herbal supplement.


8. Vitamin E

Besides being terrific for the skin, vitamin E is very helpful when it comes to treating breast pain. Vitamin E is vital for the regulation of hormones, which can help control breast pain. Vitamin E supplements are readily available and a daily dose of 400 IUs can go a long way towards preventing breast pain and tenderness. You can also eat foods rich in vitamin E including almonds, spinach, turnips, mustard greens, beet greens, sunflower seeds, olive oil, and avocados. You can also massage vitamin E oil into your breasts each night before bedtime.

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