Top 20 Anti-Cancer Herbs and Plants

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20. Saffron

Saffron contains a carotenoid compound called crocetin. The results of studies done, both in vivo and in vitro, show that this compound has the potential to be a strong anti-tumor agent. Saffron was found in another study to inhibit skin cancer in mice.

New research shows that this popular spice has a powerful chemo-preventative effect against liver cancer in tests done with animals. This study came out in September of 2011 in the journal Hepatology, and was done by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.


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The findings from this 22 week study showed that animals who received the highest dosage of saffron (300mg/kg) had a complete inhibition of hepatic nodules. Saffron also prevented tumor necrosis factor receptor, which plays a major role in the progression and development of cancerous liver cells. These findings suggest that saffron can promote cell death, inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells, and effectively block inflammation. More tests involving saffron are currently planned.


Cho W. C. S. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence-based anticancer materia medica. London: Springer Science Business-Media.


The Health Experts of The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living. (2008). Natural cancer cures: The definitive guide to using dietary supplements to fight and prevent cancer. UK: Freedom Press. p.19.


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One Comment

  1. Teresa Allen

    Nov 11, 2017 at 10:03 pm

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