Top 20 Anti-Cancer Herbs and Plants

Mistletoe dried leaves

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11. Mistletoe

The extract from mistletoe and the products that come from this extract, especially iscador, is one of the most commonly used oncological drugs in Europe. It’s been used as an overall treatment for cancer for years. One study that involved more than 10,000 cancer patients has shown that iscador may prolong the survival time of cancer patients. Amazingly, this study showed that the overall survival time of the group that took iscador was as much as 40 percent longer when compared to the control group. Mistletoe extract is known to show a better survival rate among cancer patients.

If all of Europe is using this natural plant extract, and it is saving, if not extending lives, and has been used with no problems for years, why isn’t America using this natural anti-cancer treatment?

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