Top 20 Anti-Cancer Herbs and Plants

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15. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been around for centuries, with the earliest known references to its medicinal use being from the ancient Egyptians, who used it therapeutically for burns or skin problems. Over the last time there have been very promising founding in using aloe vera for the treatment of certain types of cancer. A number of laboratory studies seem to show that aloe vera may be helpful in boosting the immune system to attack cancer cells. Emodin, one of the natural chemicals in the plant, has shown to stop liver and head and neck cancer cells growing in test tubes.

Different studies have shown, that other chemicals in aloe vera – acemannan and aloeride – are potentially stimulating immune system to make cancer-killing chemicals. Yet, aloe vera may have side effects, when consumed orally, so always speak to your doctor if you plan to do so.

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