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Top 20 of the Unhealthiest “Healthy” Foods Ever

Photo credit: bigstock
It’s so difficult to know what is healthy to eat and what is not. Every day you read something different in the mainstream news about how this is good and that is not, then tomorrow everything has been reversed. There is so much pressure to pick just the “right”, healthy lunch or dinner on an average workday. Everyone can agree that they want something that’s quick and cheap, but, at the same time, they want something healthy and flavorful. Unfortunately, this sometimes causes us to throw all caution to the wind and just grab whatever is available without giving it a thought. This generally comes down to fast food, which is one of the worse options. Here is a list of the top 20 unhealthiest health food there is.
1. Agave Syrup and Nectar
Agave syrup, you’ve seen it everywhere; in the health food stores, on grocery market shelves, it’s even being sold door to door. It’s the new craze in all, “natural” sweeteners.
Actually, almost all agave nectar or syrup is anything but natural. Agave syrup is highly refined and offers no other additional health benefit than plain old sugar. It has a very small amount of calcium and magnesium but not enough to gain any real health benefits from drinking it.
Agave syrup is 55 to 90 per cent fructose, depending on how it’s processed, and nothing more.
Mar 15, 2014 at 2:10 am
An egg white alone is, for some reason, absorbed like a sugar and therefore raises your blood sugar.
This is nonsense.
Most orange juice is pasteurized, which removes or degrades many of its nutritional virtues.
[CITATION NEEDED]. Ironically, the article completely glosses over a major problem with fruit juice, even when it’s not made from concentrate; fruit is mainly sugar, fiber, and water, and juicing removes most of the fiber. Most juice is relatively high in sugar, even if none has been added.
It’s important to know that ALL types of grains contribute to insulin and leptin resistance
The authors of this Harvard Medical School and University of Minnesota study that says the exact opposite would probably be very interested in your no-doubt rigorous scientific proof.
Many people believe that a nice soup is a healthy choice, especially if
it includes vegetables. However, many restaurants and deli’s add
cornstarch to make the soups thicker and salt cubes to make them tasty.
Make your own at home, save yourself a lot of money and it will be
healthier also.
I really hope you didn’t pay any money for this article, because dear lord this is asinine.
Margarine is almost completely chemical in nature,
So is butter. Please do not contribute to the irresponsible and erroneous use of “chemical-free”. Margarine is terrible, yes, but it’s not because it is made out of atoms.
Many so called “natural” cereals are contaminated with toxic pesticides, solvents, and genetically modified ingredients
Please stop this.
Apr 2, 2014 at 11:38 pm
Well at least that leaves steak, baked potato and desert.
Jan 15, 2015 at 3:51 am
sorry baked potato and dessert are full of carbs ,the insulin response will cause inflammation and fat storage. try meat with vegetables butter and whipped cream sweetened with stevia.
Yanni Sorolov
Apr 17, 2014 at 11:47 am
very interesting!
Barbara Sue
Jul 10, 2014 at 2:06 am
Yum. Yum. A salad with plain lemon juice. Of course the whole tone of this article is sour, so I guess the lemon is ok. Of course, plain kale would be considered better than lettuce.
Nov 8, 2014 at 5:14 pm
Pretty sure I could find a counter argument for each of these claims. The American public is competitive constantly fed contradicting nutrition information. ..we would starve if we listened to each one.
Here’s an easy plan: Eat anything in moderation, stay hydrated, a green veggie with each meal, and do at least 20 minutes of cardio a day.
Jan 15, 2015 at 3:46 am
the author gets some A +’s and some dumbos for one egg whites are protein,however they are correct if you overload the liver with too much protein it is converted to sugar,approx 120 grams or about 5 eggs, evidently they have not done research on fats. bacon and cheese are awesome sat. fat. also olive oil is monounsaturated and should NOT be overheated. use coconut,lard or tallow.
fruit juice is pure sugar,so they get an A for that.but even natural juice is going to bring a huge insulin response which causes inflammation. they do get an A for having the nerve to slam bread. basically ALL carbs and sugars should be limited. especially if you are like 90% of americans with insulin resistance. that leaves fat. and not to much protein . of course most people will hate me for this but it is true. i can prove it. i defy any smarty person to prove me wrong. the basic premise is ..too much insulin kills. our government has lied to us!!
also it damages the insulin receptors after abuse.
Jan 15, 2015 at 4:10 am
geez i have got to call you on this BS first you say bacon and cheese are bad on a bun, and your right the bun is bad(pure carbs)then you say saturated fats from animals are good.HELLO bacon and cheese are sat.fat from animals can you even read your own bu77shiiit ???? your right that sat fat is good but 40 yrs back it was NOT a diet fad HELLO it was the taught ,set in stone health LAW that fat was bad for 40 yrs(read the food pyramid) and margarine and crisco were taught as good ,butter BAD! eggs BAD! and now the media is trying to back pedal calling it a fad diet BS !!!!!!!!! it was much more than that. we have the good media and government agencies telling hundreds of millions of people incorrect advice that i believe was killing them,causing inflammatory disease and you think ALL that can be forgiven by calling it a little teeny tiny oops fad diet. f-no no f-ing way. these people need to be brought out on the carpet for lying and hurting millions and i am telling you the truth is not fully exposed but it will be and these people need to be HORSEWHIPPED B4ST4RDS
Jan 16, 2015 at 3:46 am
This is the stupidest drivel ever written. Gluten is FINE for most ALL people. Whole grains are healthy. People are so spoiled rotten by having an embarrassment of riches that they constantly look this gift horse in the mouth. The rest of the list is bull too. Eat and drink a variety of foods in moderation. Enjoy your food and make meal time important and an event. Above all else be grateful.
Brian Brandt
Jan 19, 2015 at 10:55 pm
i have never read an article with so many factual errors. It’s like…..100% wrong.