Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods and Top 5 Cancer Fighting Foods

Several types of white sugar - refined sugar and granulated sugar

Photo credit: bigstock

3. Sugar

Especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup. You have probably already heard that sugar is what cancer cells feed upon and even though all cells need glucose to grow, cancer cells seem to use sugar in greater quantities, and more efficiently, than healthy cells. Numerous research studies show that there is a strong link between sugar consumption and the development of cancer.

In fact, studies show that women who ate foods that had high glycemic levels were more than 3 times as likely to develop colon cancer. Eating foods high in sugar have been linked to cancer of the uterus, breast, pancreas, urinary tract, even skin cancer. One recent study showed that fructose, the sugar typically found in candy and soda, seems to feed cancer cells even more than glucose does.

In this study, researchers gave both fructose and glucose to pancreatic cancer cells in lab tests and found that while the cells given glucose did well and grew, the ones that were given fructose as food grew faster, multiplied and greatly increased their proliferation.

So if you want to eliminate cancer causing foods in your diet, this is one is a no brainer. Avoid sugar, especially foods that contain fructose, and high fructose corn syrup.

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