Top 5 Reasons Why Your Digestive System is Out of Whack

Tipped over bottle of Magnesium vitamins

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Lack of Magnesium

New research shows that magnesium is necessary for up to 800 enzymatic processes in the body.

You can only imagine what a lack of this important mineral means to your digestive system.

Magnesium is needed for your muscles to function properly, including the muscles in your digestive tract. A lack of magnesium can cause your digestive system to slow down and delay the movement of waste.

This, in turn, can back up your entire digestive process, making you full of, well, you know, full of it.

To avoid this, you should eat lots of salads with organic vegetables and dark, leafy greens. Also, consider taking a liquid magnesium supplement, as it is very difficult to get sufficient levels of magnesium through diet alone.

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