Top Secrets To Beat The Winter Blues, Feel More Energized, & Skip The Flu

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8. Don’t Make Sickness a Priority

Well, OK, perhaps no one makes being sick a priority in their life on purpose, but it happens when we aren’t paying attention. Is the clerk that is ringing up your Christmas gift coughing and sneezing? Be sure you don’t touch hands with her, and use some hand sanitizer afterwards. Avoid physical contact with the general public as much as possible during this time of year. Take anti-viral herbs and eat right to support your immune system. Wash your hands frequently. Avoid people who are obviously sick. If you share workspaces, wipe down things such as keyboards, countertops, computer mice, and anything else people typically touch with sanitizing wipes and spray some antiviral essential oils in the air. This might sound a bit extreme, but would you rather wipe down that computer keyboard or get the flu? Thought so.


9. Exercise

Yeah, you hear this one a lot, but only because it’s so very helpful. No one will argue that going out for a morning walk when the streets are an icy 20 degrees is fun, but a regular exercise schedule is going to boost your immune system and help you avoid that seasonal weight gain. However you choose to get some exercise, it’s a good thing; whether it be ice skating or using your treadmill, you will feel better if you just do it!


SEE ALSO: 8 Happy Ways to Beat the Winter Blues Infographic


10. Set Some Future Goals

If the snow and grey skies make you feel as if winter is never ending, shake things up by setting some short term and then slightly longer term goals. For example, a short term goal might be that you are going to finish a book by tomorrow, or you are going to paint your bathroom over the weekend. A slightly longer term goal might be that you are going to have all your Christmas decorations up or down by a certain day or you might want to start browsing through college or adult school classes for that new yoga class you want to start in January. Go all out and start planning today to take a Bermuda vacation in July and start searching for the perfect bikini, plan meal and exercise charts so you can fit into that new bikini, and think about a savings plan so you can actually get there. You will feel better making future plans that show you that winter will end one day and you will be ready for it!

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