Unbelievable Foods, Herbs, and Spices That Can Heal Cancer

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

11. Sheep’s Sorrell

This herb has been used as a detoxifier and blood cleanser traditionally, but it also is known to help the body rebuild new tissue. Research suggests that this herb can help to normalize cells that have been damaged, which means it could reverse the damage from cancer. Many intestinal worms have no resistance to this herb and it can help kill these types of internal parasites.


12. Sutherlandia

Sometimes called Cancer Bush, this plant has been shown in peer reviewed studies to be a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-viral powerhouse. This plant greatly slows Tumor Necrosis Factor, which is a wasting away of those afflicted with cancer. It also has immune boosting compounds, which can help the body fight off cancer.


13. Wormwood

A Chinese herb that has actually outperformed anti-malaria drugs in studies. This herb has powerful anti-yeast and anti-microbial compounds and can be an effective part of any anti-candida diet. Typical cancer treatments cause damaging yeast overgrowth in the body, which only adds to a cancer patients list of woes. Some cancer experts believe that excess yeast is a driving force behind some cancers, so by limiting the growth of yeast, wormwood can put a stop to cancer growth if yeast is the factor behind it.


14. Wheatgrass

If you have wondered why you see all the juice shops selling out their wheatgrass supply, perhaps it’s because just one shot of this juice gives you the chlorophyll equivalent of about 12 kilos of broccoli! Wheatgrass is a powerful blood purifier and helps to cleanse the liver and kidneys. After consuming one shot of wheatgrass each day for two weeks, studies show that oxygen levels in the blood improve. Since cancer cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment, this makes wheatgrass a super choice for fighting cancer.


15. Red Clover

Research from several studies, including the Royal Marsden, shows that red clover should be a part of estrogen driven cancer treatments, which would include breast and prostate cancers. One of the active ingredients in red clover is Genistein, which is a powerful anti-estrogen.

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One Comment

  1. Georgiamule

    May 26, 2015 at 10:12 pm

    What a totally worthless article about herbs and spices nobody ever heard of. Does your market carry Pau D’Arco? How about that all time favorite, Butchers Broom?