What Are Liquid Calories? Know How They Help In Losing Weight

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Are you eating all the right foods and trying to lose weight without any luck? Maybe you haven’t evaluated the liquid calories you are drinking.

A common weight loss pitfall is drinking your calories – and not knowing it. Liquid calories, meaning the calories in the beverages you drink, can add up fast and stop your weight loss in its tracks.

When you drink your calories, you are not satisfied the way you are with solid foods. This leads you to consume more calories overall, and thus slows your weight loss. Most liquid calories are empty calories meaning that they provide no nutrition. When you are trying to lose weight, you need to make sure every calorie counts.


Where Liquid Calories are Hiding

  • Sodas typically have at least 150 calories per serving, which can throw off your weight loss quick. They also have sugary sweeteners that are unhealthy even if they are “sugar free.”
  • Wine, Beer, and Liquors. Wine has about 123 calories per glass, while a beer has 150 calories in a bottle or can. Liquor itself has around 70 calories per drink, however, most drinks also have added juices, syrups, and flavoring, bringing the calorie count much higher.
  • Sports and Energy Drinks.
    Sports and energy drinks may only boast 25 calories or so per cup, but they can add up quick. They also contain synthetic vitamins and minerals which can be toxic to your body.
  • Yes, even healthy, all natural juices contain loads of calories and can sabotage your weight loss goals. Limit your juice intake to four ounces or less per day of fresh pressed juice, ideally with low sugar vegetables and fruits. Juices can range in caloric value, so be sure to look up the juice you are consuming and work it into your daily calorie count.


Low or No Calorie Liquid Choices

When you do consume liquids with calories, be sure to work these calories into your daily allotment within your diet plan. Calorie drinks can be consumed within a healthy weight loss plan, they just need to be managed well.

  • It’s important, especially when you are trying to lose weight, to drink at least 8 cups of water a day. Reverse osmosis or filtered water works best at flushing out toxins, which you will be likely doing as you move to a healthier diet. In the long run, spring water is best to drink as it contains essential minerals your body needs. If you’re having a problem remembering to drink enough water, use a gallon jug marked per cup and drink the entire gallon daily, make a chart, or set a reminder on your phone. Drinking water is crucially important to losing weight.
  • Carbonated water, with or without juice. If you crave sodas, swapping your calorie-laden soda for a mix of regular water, carbonated water, and a splash of fresh squeezed juice tastes just as good, if not better, than your average soda without all the calories. Remember though, that carbonated water is not as healthy as regular water and should not replace your daily amount. It is only a treat.
  • Infused waters. Simply placing fruits or herbs into water and letting them infuse for 6 to 12 hours gives a beautiful taste. Try cucumbers, strawberries, lemons and limes, or fresh herbs like basil. Not only are you getting in your daily water needs, you also get the benefit of some of the vitamins and minerals.

Drinking your calories can be a huge diet bust. Be sure you are not sabotaging your weight loss by consuming unknown calories, and try one of these low calorie replacements today!
