What Diseases Can You Get From Your Pets?

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We love our pets. We consider them part of our family, and for many people pets actually serve as their real-life kids. They feed them the best foods money can buy, get them all of their required shots and tags, and some even buy them clothing – from sweaters and hats to Halloween outfits and costumes. The only down side to this situation is there are diseases we can get from our beloved pets.

So, what are the diseases that can be spread from our beloved pets to us? How serious are these diseases, and what can we do to prevent them? There are diseases you can get from your pets.


1. The Flu

Even though your chance of getting the flu from your cat is low, there have been cases where a person did contract a specific strain after being exposed to cats in a shelter.


2. Salmonella

Of all the animals around, it is the turtle that can spread Salmonella. Turtles have a higher risk than other animals in contracting this disease, and they are able to spread it when people touch their cages, tanks, or the turtles themselves. During a period from 2011 to 2013 more than 473 people succumbed to the Salmonella outbreak, which resulted in a ban of small turtles. People who end up with this disease could find themselves in the hospital in order to recover.


3. The Plague

Yes, there still is such a disease called the plague. It is caused by bacteria that is known as Yersinia pestis, and cats are more known to spread this infection than dogs. There are several ways that a person can get the plague from a pet: If they breathe in droplets that are filled with these bacteria or they can get it from a flea bite from a pet who has the plague.

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4. Hantavirus

Originally, the group of viruses known as hantavirus was only spread by wild rodents, but that has changed. Wild rodents passed along the disease through their urine, saliva, droppings, and interaction with their nests. In 2017, it became clear that eight people who lived in Illinois and Wisconsin became ill after trying to breed rats as pets. More and more people have gotten sick from these viruses, so be careful.


5. Rabies

The spread of rabies comes from a bite that was given by an infected animal. Many dogs were eliminated from spreading this disease for a while, but currently there are from 80 to 100 dogs each year that spread the rabies virus. There are over 300 cats that pass it along as well. Make sure that you get your dog, cat, or ferret vaccinated in order to prevent the spread of this nasty disease.


6. Toxoplasma gondii

The primary way this disease is passed along to humans is through the feces of cats, usually through their litter box. The disease show a lot of signs, but it can cause severe problems to a person’s brain, eyes, as well as other organs.


7. Capnocytophaga

Even though the spread of this disease comes from cats and dogs, the chances of suffering from a devastating illness only happens to those with a compromised immune system. Watch for any bites or scratches you may get from your pet. If you end up with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea make sure to see your doctor immediately. You can actually die from this infection if it is not treated right away.

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8. Cat Scratch Fever

Make sure that if you find yourself ever bitten, scratched or licked by someone else’s cat that you have it checked out by a physician. Cat scratch fever can leave you with a serious illness that causes problems in your brain, heart, eyes, and several other organs.


9. Lyme Disease

Through the years, Lyme disease has been found to be a very serious illness that humans get from animals, usually outdoors. Many times this disease has been passed along by a tick. Many doctors have misdiagnosed people who have come down with odd symptoms, and by the time they are diagnosed with Lyme disease they have been seriously ill for quite a long time. Make sure to check with your doctor if you have unique symptoms, and request to be checked for Lyme disease right from the start.


10. Giardiasis

This disease is spread by many different animals through water. Parasites associated with specific animals are able to pass this along to humans because the disease can live outside of water for a long time.

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11. Scabies

This disease is passed along by mites though itching and scratching from the animal. The result is an episode of eczema. You can cut down on your chances of getting this from your pets by making sure they get regular vaccinations and examinations.



This is another disease that consists of passing along parasites. Animals usually get this through food that has been contaminated, dirty water, or their feces. Make sure that you wash your hands whenever dealing with animals, their food and water, and anything that has to do with their feces.


13. Tapeworm

An infection such as a tapeworm can begin with infected fleas from cats and dogs. It most likely affects children, so make sure to keep an eye on kids if they have been in contact with a dog that has worms or fleas.


READ ALSO: Protect Your Pets Against Vaccinations Video


14. Campylobacteriosis

This disease is spread by animals such as chickens. The World Health Organization declared some cases were from eating undercooked or raw chickens. This disease is also spread by dogs or cats.





One Comment

  1. john k

    Apr 27, 2017 at 10:05 pm

    Great article. Think of all the crap you can get when your dog swipes its butt on your sofa and then people touch and sit on it…disgusting.