What To Eat For Stress Relief

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

7. Milk

Many a mother has sworn by the power of a warm glass of milk to get her kids off to bed, but it seems that even adults can harness the power of that beverage. Full of B vitamins, Vitamin D and calcium, milk helps to relieve sore muscles and put them at ease which may be the reason why you feel so relaxed and content after. Also, the warmth of beverage has already been discussed as being a stress-reliever so this becomes a no-brainer. Just stick to low-fat options, or even plant based ones, to not get a lot of calories in right before bed.


8. Whole-Wheat Pretzels

If you’re really out of options, a quick trip to the vending machine can afford you at least one food that can manage your office stress – pretzels. Whole wheat pretzels, to be exact, can help you during periods of stress by triggering the release of serotonin from the carbohydrates in the snack. In fact, any whole wheat snack would work, such as crackers. Just keep this trick in the ’emergency only’ box as high numbers of carbohydrates can be more detrimental than helpful to your body.

When it comes to stress, there are quite a few options out there for people but one of the easiest is to include your stress relief in the foods you eat. Whether it be alleviating high blood pressure, inducing the release of serotonin, the feel-good hormone, for a while in your body or just simply helping to balance the stress hormone, cortisol, foods can be very helpful in your stress management. Consider adding the foods above to your regular diet if you’re usually under stress and also making them part of your dishes whenever your life becomes more stressful.

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