You Won’t Believe Why You’re Not Losing Weight

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10. Not enough strength training

A cardio workout is important but it is also important to strengthen your muscles by lifting weights. If you are working out regularly, you will find that your muscles are becoming leaner and your arms and legs are looking trimmer.


11. Not using a food journal

No matter what kind of diet you are on, make sure to write down everything you eat. You will be surprised at how much you are consuming if you do not keep track of it. When you do write down everything you eat, you will be surprised at how much you have been eating without realizing it.


12. Too little protein

If you are cutting down what you are eating by too much food, you could be eating too little protein. Protein keeps your blood sugar level, cuts down on your cravings as well as extra snacking and it can keep your metabolism revved up by up to 100 calories a day.


13. Too many carbs

It’s never a good thing to go completely off of carbohydrates but there is such a thing as eating too many. You can fill up on a salad with protein, fresh vegetables, and regular salad dressing rather than a sandwich using two pieces of bread that won’t do anything except keep you overweight.


14. You have eaten too little for too long

Many people have the mistaken idea that in order to lose weight they have to eat hardly anything. If you have been eating a small breakfast and skipping lunch for a while just to lose weight, when you return to eating regularly you will gain weight.


READ ALSO: Zero-Calorie Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight Fast Infographic


15. Your goals are set too high

Everyone wants to lose a lot of weight fast. What happens to this theory is the longer you go without certain foods and deprive yourself so you can lose weight fast, the quicker you will cheat on your diet, binge eat, and gain everything you have lost plus a few extra pounds. Just one pound a week comes out to 52 pounds a year. Try to keep your weight loss slow and steady and you will be surprised that your weight loss will actually stay lost once and for all.


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