Living And Eating Healthy: Myths Vs. Facts!

Happy People Eating Organic Apples in Autumn Garden.Healthy Food

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Lots of people want to be healthy, but they have all kinds of negative preconceived notions about the difficulties of living a healthy lifestyle. They think it’s just too expensive, too hard and too much work to eat right, exercise or maintain a proper weight. We’re here today to respectfully argue that this is a bunch of B.S. Let’s examine each one of these myths and explain the truth so you can start living a healthy lifestyle and stop putting it off over mistaken beliefs.


Myth 1: Eating healthy is just too expensive

This is a very persistent and widely-held belief, and if you’ve ever taken a trip to Whole Foods, it’s easy to see why. Many foods sold at high-end grocery stores, especially organic ones, are indeed more expensive. But the trick here is to shop smart and make sure you’re buying the right things at the right time.

Plan your meals in advance so you can buy in bulk and get several meals out of one session of cooking. Make sure you’re looking at the price per ounce, pound or gram, and check how many servings you’re getting out of each package. Something like steel cut oats, for instance, might seem like it’s more expensive than a generic box of breakfast cereal. But check to see how many servings you’re getting out of each box: If the box of oats is $5, but you get 20 servings out of it, then the oats are a better buy than the $3 box of cereal which offers 10 servings. This principle is applicable to almost any kind of food.

Buying fruits and vegetables when they’re in season is also a great way to get better deals, and to make sure that they’re probably coming from local farms, as opposed to being shipped from a different region of the world.

Finally, there are some healthy foods that are, in absolute terms, a little more expensive than the groceries you might normally buy. But let’s consider the fact that eating healthier foods means you will be healthier. Compare the cost of paying a little more for groceries with the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, which you’re more likely to need if you eat a mediocre diet. It’s not even close. It’s FAR cheaper to just pay a little more for good food and keep yourself healthy in the first place.

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