Looking for a Great All Around Protein Source? We Have the Answer


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However, if you are one of those persons who are sensitive to dairy products, including whey protein and eggs, you will not be able to consume these sources of protein. If you are vegan, then animal protein is also not for you.

This is where pea protein comes into play.  This vegetable protein is perhaps the most hypoallergenic of all proteins and, as if that were not enough, it has a 98 percent absorption rate! Many people believe that brown rice is a good protein source and that would be true were it not for the fact that brown rice is now contaminated with dangerously high levels of a heavy metal called tungsten.

With high levels of important amino acids such as phenylalanine, lysine, and arginine, along with all the other essential amino acids, it has a well-balanced profile that meets the requirements that have been set for adult protein consumption by the World Health Organization.

Pea proteins contain branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) that have been shown to keep the body in a constant state of muscle burning while increasing gains in strength. This helps the body burn more fat and builds more lean muscle tissue.

The most important BCAA’s would be isoleucine, valine, and leucine, which pea protein packs a lot of.  If you leave off animal protein, pea protein is the best source of all these powerful BCAA’s, and with its high absorbency rate, it absolutely rivals whey protein for having positive effects on the body’s metabolism and building of lean body tissue.


SEE ALSO: Top 9 Amino Acids that Can Help You Drop Those Extra Pounds


If you are interested in the healthy circulation that improves cardiovascular health, sexual and athletic performance that L-arginine gives the body, then you will be interested to know that pea protein is the richest source of this vital amino acid.

Lysine is a precursor of carnitine, the amino acid which converts fatty acid into energy. It also builds collagen, which is vital for maintaining cartilage, skin, tendons, and bones. Pea protein is a great source of this essential amino acid as well.

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