Top 10 GMO Foods to Avoid

Gmo Sign

Photo credit: bigstock

About 20 years ago, a little company (now owned by the giant Monsanto) created a GMO tomato called Flavr Savr, one of the first GMO foodstuffs approved for consumption in the US. Since that time, farmers all over the world have been using more and more of these genetically modified organisms every single year.

Due to social media and internet health sites, such as Naturalon, the practice of using GMO foods has come under some intense scrutiny. Health activists everywhere are concerned about future human health problems, as well as environmental damage. People everywhere are demanding that foods that have GMO contents should be labeled as such. People have a right to know what they are eating!

A ballot measure in California that would have mandated the labeling of GMO products, failed in 2012. A similar measure lost in Washington State. In both cases, the largest GMO makers, DuPont, Dow Chemical, and Monsanto, all provided funds for ads to deceive and confuse voters.

Many people believe that GMOs are something new, but the fact is, Americans have been consuming products that contain GMO ingredients for years. Although Big Agri continues to tell us that they are safe, they also continue avoiding labels. If their foods are so safe, why are they trying to hide the fact that you are eating them? There are increasing amounts of research that show that GM foods damage ecosystems, cause financial chaos for farmers, cause harm to humans, and release trans genes that could transfer to other life forms, which would have disastrous consequences.

Sometimes trying to avoid consuming GMO products is difficult. If you have a hard time finding foods that aren’t GMO at your regular supermarket, try farmers’ markets, health food stores, and organic food stores. You could also start your own garden where you can be sure your food is not GMO and is completely organic.

Take a look at the top 10 most popular foods that contain GMOs so you can avoid these products in the future.


1.  Zucchini and Yellow Squash

These are closely related cousins. Sometimes you will see yellow squash listed as yellow Italian squash or even yellow zucchini.  Many people eating gluten free diets, or those who wish to avoid processed foods such as pasta, are using zucchini to make their own type of “pasta.” What many of them fail to realize is that unless they are very careful about where they buy their produce, they are most likely using GMO zucchini in their little spiral making machines. Remember that GM foods do not have to be labeled as such, so it’s pretty easy to consume these foods without knowing it. To avoid this, it’s best to buy your foods from a farmers’ market where you can talk to the farmer who grew it. It’s almost a given that these types of farmers grow organically, and they won’t be using GM seeds, but if you have any doubt, ask them. Most farmers are more than happy to tell you all about the food they have worked so hard to grow.

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  1. Penny Fuentes

    Dec 30, 2014 at 10:45 pm

    We can’t even depend on our government to protect us from garbage that other nations will not allow in their country.

    • anon

      Jan 1, 2015 at 6:28 am

      Our government is subsidizing and creating the garbage. Also see: Lyme disease.