Tree Hugging Proven to be Good for You

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Want to absorb some of this tree energy? You don’t need to adopt Tao beliefs or wear hippie love beads; all you need is a group of trees, about 30 minutes of your time, and to keep an open mind.

Look for some large, healthy, older trees. In fact, the older the tree, the better. Forests and parks are good places to start looking for your special tree. Be sure that it’s somewhere quiet and peaceful and you won’t be interrupted.

Now forget any preconceptions about what you should feel or what you won’t feel as you walk among the trees. Smell the leaves, listen to your feet on the forest floor, and touch the bark. You can hug the tree, or simply touch it; you can even talk to it if you like.

Look for a tree that “talks” to you.  Move around several trees until you feel that one is attracting your attention. Some people like to ask the tree for permission to touch it or hug it. Touch or hug the tree. Close your eyes and relax. Feel the energy pass from the tree to you. Most people say they feel a sort of comfort or an exchange of feelings passing from themselves to the tree.


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Now turn around and put your back to the tree. Stretch your arms behind you and hold onto the tree this way. This will give you a whole different set of feelings. You should thank the tree when you are finished. You can also repeat this with more than one tree.

Some forests have become famous for their healing and vibrational powers, such as Finland’s Koli National Park. In 2010, Finnish researchers presented a study to the World Forestry Congress that claimed that the tranquility found among these trees helped people fight cancer and encouraged the body to produce cells that kill cancerous cells.

Imagine if doctors began to prescribe trips to the forest, instead of a slew of prescription drugs to cure disease?

This vibrational energy applies to all plants, by the way, not just trees. So bring plants into your home and work place. Go for walks in green spaces. Plant a garden in your yard, better still, plant a tree! Don’t be afraid to be a tree hugger, it’s good for you!


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