10 Reasons Ginger Is Considered A Superfood

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

5. Heart Disease and Stroke

Ginger is usually effective enough on its own, but when combined with garlic and onions it expands its ability to prevent blood clots. This is a major benefit in preventing strokes and heart attacks.


6. Fungal Infections

Fungal infections have always been resistant to healing attempts. The good news is that ginger oil beat out 29 other oils in effectively treating and successfully killing the fungus. Combine a couple of drops of ginger oil with a small amount of coconut oil and some tea tree oil. Apply this mixture to the fungal area a couple of times each day.


7. Pain

When used to treat pain, ginger applies the anti-pain components the same way that capsaicin is used. The gingerol is applied to the vanilloid receptors that can be found at the end of the sensory nerves. When capsaicin is applied, there is a strong burning feeling because of the spiciness of the peppers. The application of ginger creates a burn but doesn’t last long. It does provide relief from the inflammation.

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