10 Things Your Nurse Will Never Tell You

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

8. How Scared They Get When You Are Close to Death

Sometimes, things don’t always go the way doctors think they will and patients skirt seriously close to death. Your nurse, like your doctor, is honestly rooting for your recovery, and when you take a turn for the worse, nurses get stomach aches, racing hearts, and they will worry about you. You might not believe it, but they honestly will. After you are on the road to recovery, your nurse might explain what a close call you had, but they will probably never tell you that they were also worried sick that you might not make it.


9. Sometimes, They Bend the Rules

Sometimes, if you ask your nurse for something that is against the rules or that is technically outside of their job description, they might tell you no, but don’t be surprised if your nurse sometimes replies, “Let me see what I can do.” This doesn’t mean that your nurse will ignore doctors’ orders or blatantly go against hospital rules, but your nurse does know that some rules can be bent so that they can make you happy, even if what you have asked for isn’t 100 percent “kosher.”


10. They Think about You After Work

Nurses take their jobs very seriously. You are a human being and when your nurse goes home for the night (or day as the case might be), they take a piece of you with them. It is not at all surprising for your nurse to call back during their time off to check with the other shift and see how you are doing. Some nurses tell their patients that they will pray for them or that they will be thinking of them when they go home. These are rarely empty words meant to make you feel better — chances are that your nurse means them.


READ ALSO: Antibiotic Alternatives Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About


Your nurse holds a great many other secrets about you, things she might have overheard or something private that you might have disclosed to her, but you need not worry. If your nurse can keep all of the above secrets, she can keep just about any secret you might imagine.



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