10 Top Tips to Protect Yourself and Deflect Negative Energy

Young Businessman Thinking and Wondering While Writing a Paper

Photo credit: bigstock.com

9. Keep Things Clear

Remember that everything has energy, even words. So keep things clear and ready to receive and create positive energy by smudging or “sweeping” bad energy from places that you occupy all the time. When you and your spouse have an argument, smudge the room or sprinkle some salt on the floor, imagine it soaking up those ugly words and sweep it out the door. Open the windows and burn some incense while you picture that negative energy floating outside with the smoke.


SEE ALSO: Top 12 Tips for Changing from a Negative Thinker to a Positive Thinker


10.  Fill Yourself with Light

The best way to protect yourself from negative energy is to be source of positive energy. This means taking on the old “look on the bright side” of life outlook. Always look for the good, never the bad.  Don’t say “I hate X” start saying “I really love Z.”  As hard as it might be, try to compliment someone who isn’t always nice. If there are some people in your life that are “negative Nellies,” remove them from your life or limit your exposure to them as much as possible. Play music you love, be with people you love, and most of all, love yourself.

If you are still skeptical about all of this positive and negative energy “stuff” being real, check out this video. It might just change your mind:




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One Comment

  1. Kitsy WooWoo

    Sep 25, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    Good article….thanks! 🙂