10 Ways to Stimulate an Underactive Thyroid Naturally

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

9. Remove Hormone Disruptors

There are many things in our modern day life that interrupt our hormone production, confusing our body and our thyroid function. Remove the following from your life:

  • Anti-bacterial soaps
  • Shampoos and other beauty products that contain triclosan
  • Non-stick cookware (Teflon)
  • BPAs, which are often found in plastic bottles and canned foods
  • Heavy metals

Detox from heavy metals by consuming turmeric, milk thistle, and cilantro to naturally remove them from your body.


10. Avoid Gluten

We already mentioned that you should eat a healthy diet and avoid certain foods such as soy, but we wanted to be sure to mention gluten. Many people have a sensitivity to wheat products, especially highly processed wheat found in traditionally made baked goods and bread. Gluten can have a negative effect on your thyroid, and this is even truer if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, one of the primary causes of hypothyroidism. Approximately 30 percent of those with this condition have an unrecognized autoimmune reaction to gluten. Try cutting gluten out of your diet for 60 days and see if you notice any difference in your symptoms. Chances are that you will have much more energy and have clearer thinking.

Thyroid conditions can be very serious. If you haven’t seen a doctor yet, please verify that you have a thyroid condition. If you are already taking medications, we urge you to speak to your doctor before making any changes in your diet.





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