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11 Foods That Help Fight Cellulite

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Cellulite. Just about every female knows what it is but most don’t know what causes it. And even fewer know what you can do to get rid of it. To begin with, cellulite is described as the dimpled look that appears on the back of a woman’s thighs. It has been described as looking like cottage cheese because of the lumpy look it creates. It has been known to appear on the legs of women of all ages and sizes.
What causes cellulite? Its origins have been attributed to everything from bad eating habits to being dehydrated. Cellulite itself is just fat deposits that have taken on a bumpy existence because it is under the skin that is pushing against connective tissue.
There are always products on the market that promise to get rid of cellulite: topical creams that you apply, brushes you can use to smooth it away, and supplements you can take to make it go away. Not many, if any, actually work. There are, however, foods that you can add to your diet that have been proven to work in fighting cellulite. Here are 10 foods for you to try to banish your bumpy bottom:
1. Fluids
Keeping yourself hydrated will help reduce the bumps created by cellulite. But some liquids are better than others. Hot teas – specifically dandelion, ginger, and green, in particular – contain Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) boosts your metabolism which in turn burns fat. Reducing the amount of fat cells that are responsible for cellulite will help ease the overall appearance of it cutting down on the puckered look. Water is also a good fluid to consume on a regular basis but coffee, while a diuretic, has caffeine that could cause you to flush out too many fluids. This will just make your body grab on to all the liquids it comes in contact with and increase the fat levels that are under the skin.
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2. Foods rich in vitamin C
Vitamin C can help you deal with cellulite by making the connective tissue on the legs stronger which cuts down on the bumpy look. The best foods to eat that contain a good amount of vitamin C include broccoli, bell peppers, citrus fruits, kiwi, and berries.
3. Olive oil
It seems with such an emphasis on being trim, many people steer away from eating fats. The problem is your body needs fats for many of its functions. Olive oil is a great fat to use in your diet and it helps your thyroid stay healthy. When your thyroid is at its optimum level it keeps your metabolism in full gear, it burns the fat that can become cellulite, and it encourages the skin to create new cells.
4. Spicy foods
If you enjoy foods that make you sweat you’re in luck. Cayenne peppers and spicy chili bring the benefits of vitamin B6 to the table. This powerful vitamin helps to cut down on the dimpling effect by building up the connective tissue. The capsaicin that is found in spicy peppers can keep your metabolism elevated up to 25% for as much as three hours once you consume them. Your bolstered metabolism will help you burn off excess fat, rev up your circulation, and eliminate toxins.
5. Salmon
With all that salmon has going for it, it’s not a surprise that it can even help you fight your cellulite. A nutritional consultant credits salmon with its level of omega-3 fatty acids with keeping your appetite intact, strengthening, and even repairing skin tissue, and reducing the inflammation caused by cellulite. The antioxidants help to cut down on the fat cells reducing the appearance of cellulite.
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6. Sunflower seeds
The key ingredient in sunflower seeds that can help you deal with cellulite is vitamin B6. This vitamin works to repair and strengthen connective tissue and serves as a diuretic reducing excess fluids that give cellulite a stronger appearance. They consider vitamin B6 a “super lump-fighter.
7. Apple cider vinegar
It’s the calcium, magnesium, and potassium in apple cider vinegar that helps to reduce the retention of fluids while flushing out toxins. The elimination of toxins helps to deal with stress hormones and estrogen which has been said to reverse as well as reduce the effects of cellulite.
8. Berries
Dark berries – blueberries and blackberries – help to enhance your body’s production of collagen which will generate new skin tissue. The antioxidants in these berries help to eliminate the lumpy look by cutting down the fat that is encompassed by the connective tissue.
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9. Dark chocolate
Besides being an excellent sweet treat, the cocoa that is in dark chocolate makes it an effective antioxidant working hard to rebuild the skin cells. The best chocolate to buy is 80% dark chocolate. You only need one ounce of this delicious treat each day to help get that fat metabolized and help skin appear smooth and supple.
10. Hummus
Hummus is a great snack that is an excellent choice for its health benefits, but it is also a good choice if you are trying to get rid of your cellulite. Hummus has a low-glycemic index so it releases the lease amount of insulin which keeps any fat cells from spreading and creating more cellulite.
KEEP READING: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite: 3 Major Causes and Topical Solutions to Keep under Control
11. Saffron
It is the anti-inflammatory properties that are in saffron that make it effective in dealing with cellulite naturally. It helps to keep your appetite under control while increasing your circulation. With the circulation elevated it gives the muscles a chance to get toned up beneath the skin with the results being a smoother less dimpled surface.
Because cellulite is such a difficult area to alleviate, you may want to try to incorporate as many of these foods into your diet as you can. Try to decrease your weight if you are carrying any extra pounds and increase your level of exercise. Walking and any kind of aerobic activity will increase your circulation and cause the fat levels to shift and give your muscles a chance to tone up.