12 Effective Home Remedies To Ease And Heal Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Chamomile

This naturally relaxing herb can help ease the spasms that cause the coughing. Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory and immune-improving compounds that can ease symptoms and help the body recover more quickly. Drink two or three cups of chamomile tea each day. Add a tablespoon of honey if you have a sore or raw throat.


8. Honey

Raw, organic honey contains some of the most powerful antibacterial compounds on earth. It also has antiseptic compounds that can ease symptoms and help to fight the bacteria causing the infection. Add a tablespoon of raw, organic honey to some herbal tea. You can add half of a teaspoon of cinnamon mixed with one tablespoon of honey, and consume this before bed to help you sleep better. Honey has been used for hundreds of years to stop infections, ease coughing, and soothe sore throats.


9. Almond Oil

Almond oil, and the nuts themselves, can also help with pertussis. Almonds have immune boosting compounds and powerful antioxidants which naturally fight disease. Mix 10 drops of fresh onion juice with 10 drops of fresh ginger root juice. Mix this into five drops of almond oil and consume three times each day for 14 days. You can also soak about seven to 10 almonds in water overnight. Gently remove the skins and grind the almond meat until it is a fine paste. Add one teaspoon of butter to this paste, and consume one teaspoon three times each day for seven to 14 days. You can also make a soothing chest rub by mixing five drops of eucalyptus or rosemary essential oil into one tablespoon of almond oil, then rubbing this mixture on the chest area. Repeat as needed.

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