12 Incredible Uses For Patchouli Oil (#6 Is So Hippie Cool!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Anti-Viral

Patchouli oil contains compounds that are anti-viral, which makes it perfect for fighting against the flu virus and even the common cold. To stimulate the immune system and fight off those nasty viruses, add a few drops of patchouli oil to your bath or to your aromatherapy burner. You can also inhale some patchouli oil steam and kill a virus that you feel you might have picked up by putting a few drops in a small pot of steaming hot water and breathing in the steam. (Be careful not to burn your face.) Did fighting the flu ever smell so good?


8. Antibacterial

For killing certain strains of bacteria, including E. coli and staphylococcus aureus, as well as pseudomonas, you want to turn to patchouli oil. You can put this oil directly on the skin, or mix it with a good quality carrier oil such as grape seed oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil, and apply it wherever you need it.


9. Hair Health

International health and beauty industries have used patchouli oil for decades for its health benefits for the hair and scalp, as well as for the skin. Patchouli oil is often used to relive scalp problems such as dandruff or oily, itchy scalps. Using this oil in your daily beauty routine is easy as it can be. Add about six drops of patchouli essential oil to your unscented shampoo or conditioner (or both), and simply use them as you normally would. You can leave your shampoo on your head for a few minutes before rinsing to allow the patchouli oil to penetrate the skin, and continued use will lead to a healthy scalp and beautiful, luxurious locks in no time.

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