12 Natural Ways To Remove Plaque From Your Teeth, No Dental Visit Required!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Aloe Vera Gel

In the same way that aloe vera calms the skin and helps it to heal, it can also help to stop inflammation of the gums and remove plaque as well. One study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology noted that aloe vera gel removed plaque and improved periodontal conditions with regular use. Dip your toothbrush in some aloe vera gel and brush your teeth for a few minutes to keep plaque and tartar under control.


8. Sesame Seeds

Grab a teaspoon of sesame seeds and grind them up with your teeth. Now, brush your teeth using the leftover particles. These are slightly abrasive and will gently scrub and polish the surface of your teeth, removing plaque and even whitening teeth.


9. Oil Pulling

This ancient Ayurvedic method of cleaning the mouth is a wonderful way to clean your mouth and remove both plaque and toxins at the same time. This method is easy to do as well. Simply put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth, first thing in the morning before you eat, drink or brush your teeth, and swish it around in your mouth for 5 or 10 minutes. Spit it out in the trash can, not in the sink or toilet as the oil can harden and clog up the plumbing. Your teeth will not only be free of plaque, but they will be whiter than you ever imagined possible.


10. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which can help to fight plaque and even maintain high levels of oral health. Vitamin C improves the immune system, which can give you an extra edge when it comes to fighting infection and bacteria in the mouth. In fact, many people enjoy brushing their teeth (very gently) with some crushed strawberries. You get vitamin C, antioxidants, and the seeds will gently scrub your teeth and make them plaque free in minutes.


11. Make Your Own Toothpaste

There are numerous recipes for creating your own natural toothpaste, and there are plenty of good reasons to do exactly that. Commercial toothpastes are loaded with chemicals and unwanted compounds such as aspartame, triclosan, and fluoride. Coconut oil and baking soda are two of the best ingredients for a natural toothpaste. To use this method, take two tablespoons of coconut oil and two tablespoons of baking soda and mix them in a bowl. You can add four drops of peppermint essential oil, wintergreen, or cinnamon essential oil for added flavor if you like. Now dip your toothbrush into this mixture and brush away! This is a safe, natural, effective, and inexpensive method for removing plaque and avoiding toxic chemicals.


12. Use an Electric Toothbrush

Believe it or not, electric toothbrushes do a better job at cleaning your teeth and removing plaque than regular toothbrushes. Ask your dentist and he will most likely recommend that you use an electric toothbrush as well! There are even models that have timers to ensure that you are brushing your teeth for the recommended 2 minutes. Choose a good quality model, which will ensure that you will get a good long life out of your product, and change the brushes as recommended by the manufacturer for best results and a sparkling smile!


RELATED: 15 Foods That Cause Yellow Teeth (#10 Is Really Surprising!)


Extra Tips:

  • Always remember to brush twice a day and floss at least once each day
  • Use a soft bristle brush to avoid damaging the enamel on your teeth
  • Avoid smoking, as it causes teeth to turn yellow and accumulate tartar underneath the gum line
  • Drink plenty of water and rinse your mouth with water after eating if you cannot brush
  • Avoid eating sugary or junk foods
  • Visit your dentist once a year





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  1. Selina

    Oct 8, 2017 at 4:30 pm

    thanks for the amazing tips for teeth

  2. cute life

    Oct 17, 2017 at 4:12 pm

    very simple and amazing tips for everyone

  3. Safina Ahmad

    Nov 22, 2017 at 3:00 pm

    Natural tips and home remedies are the best solution for teeth no doubt

  4. Ron Peter

    Feb 19, 2018 at 6:42 am

    Nice and easy tips to to remove plaque and whiten your teeth. My daughter would be happy to apply them when she finishes her treatment from https://www.orthodonticexprts.com/orthodontist-colorado-springs she on her orthodontic treatment to straighten her treat.