12 Reasons You Should Start Your Day With The Sun Salutation

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

5.  Improves The Complexion

Want a more natural glow to your face? Want that radiant, ageless skin that just screams “health?” Look no further than the sun salutation. These yoga poses are considered by many to be a natural way to prevent wrinkles and keep the skin free from acne and other skin problems.


6.  Helps With Insomnia

Even though you do these yoga poses in the morning, they will help you deal with insomnia or other sleep-related problems. The sun salutation is a unique combination of relaxing exercises combined with deep breathing will calm the mind and body, which can encourage a sounder sleep and improve the sleep quality as well.


7.  Can Help You Lose Weight

Practicing the sun salutation regularly can help you lose weight because it burns more calories and stimulates the metabolism for hours afterwards, resulting in more calories burned during the day. Some of the postures in the sun salutation stretch the abdominal muscles and can help you reduce belly fat.


8.  Helps Control Diabetes

If you suffer from diabetes, you can also benefit from doing the sun salutation. Some of these yoga poses will stimulate the pancreas through gentle pressure placed on it. This will also improve the output and the use of insulin. These yoga poses will also improve circulation, which is vital for anyone suffering from diabetes.

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